Down at the USCG base welcoming the new addition to the fleet, the “Douglas Denman”. Recently built in Louisiana and brought through the Panama Canal to Ketchikan. The crew has been away for six months and happy families were here waiting for them.
By the way, I’ve had two meetings recently with the Base Commander and we are trying to leverage Federal funds to build new USCG housing…aiming for about 60 units. Due to all the Federal money being distributed it looks like we will make progress on this soon.
Also, as part of the plan with USCG, they could bring utilities to an area…to develop base housing…and we would then have access to them to lower the costs to develop lots for private builders. Basically an idea that they would have one side of a road, the other available for the private sector. According to the Commander, base housing does not need to be isolated as in the past. We are also making progress with the State and Governor who has pledged to help with utility and road construction. We are making progress.